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Watermelon juice

Spanish researchers gave volunteers natural watermelon juice and other drinks an hour before exercising

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Spanish researchers gave volunteers natural watermelon juice and other drinks an hour before exercising.

The results showed that, after exercising, those who drank watermelon juice reduced muscle soreness. This can be explained by the amino acid L-citrulline found in watermelon helps athletes quickly recover muscles and increase performance. Watermelon juice has antioxidant properties and has the ability to increase muscle protein, helping to improve athletic performance.

According to the researchers, the natural chemicals present in watermelon speed up the elimination of lactic acid. Lactic acid buildup can cause a burning sensation in the muscles and make us sore. Previous research has shown that watermelon may also help prevent heart disease by preventing the buildup of harmful cholesterol. Eating watermelon regularly helps to control weight gain and prevent the risk of blood fat
